
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

November 2nd, outsourced

I wrote last week's Outsourced post a few days early since we were traveling, so we have a lot of links to get through today. I hope I remember to give credit where it is due! Let me know if I miss you.

Seven famous people who missed the Titanic.

I love this: scenes from WWII photoshopped onto today's streets. Don't you ever wonder about your surroundings and what happened there 10, 20, 30, 100+ years ago? I do.

This story about two kids who almost drowned in a hotel swimming pool - and the two maids who DID drown, trying to save them - is just sad all around. This Gulf News account is clearer than some other articles I read but I still don't really understand how this could have happened.

Yeah, sometimes you totally should judge a book by its cover. Yet another reason why I love my Kindle - it is no respecter of covers.

I'm so glad these two young hikers are safe! [HT Kathy]

I love Jeremy because he sends me weird links like this (weird exercise equipment) while I'm sleeping so I have something to laugh at in the morning.

In Hurricane Sandy news: some popular photos that were actually fake; and should the NY Marathon go on?

In Syria news: one couple's humanitarian mission in refugee camps in Jordan; and an article in FP written by an AUB professor about his recent visit to Syria.

Aside from giving me Witness flashbacks, this article about grain silo accidents terrified me.

A father's case against breastfeeding. I really like what he's saying, but I can't get past the part where he's excited about having his sleep interrupted.

Oh, Japan. [HT Katie]

Finally, The Guide to Trading Candy. I love black licorice, by the way. [HT Kristen]

Man Food

Oman 2012.2: The new