
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

October 24th, outsourced

An A to Z of Noah Webster's finest forgotten words. [HT Kaylee]

When a woman conceals the first trimester of pregnancy, who is she trying to protect? I have Feelings about this one. I don't disagree with anything the author says in her article, but personally, I don't like being pregnant and I don't like it being anyone's business but mine for as long as possible.

This Last Week Tonight video has the usual sprinklings of profanity (f-bombs are bleeped; s-bombs are not), but I think it's worth a watch (if you can't bear it, there was a (IIRC) profanity-free This American Life episode about the same issue a few years ago: this one). Oh, the issue is native battlefield interpreters in Iraq and Afghanistan risking their lives to help US troops, and then being denied entry to the US even when their lives are threatened for their trouble.

I hope to re-read this article about fathers' relationships with their daughters during their growing-up years. It has a lot to think about and discuss.

My first Good Old Days

Kidnapped by North Korea?