
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

140km, finished

Sorry to leave you hanging - Jeremy ran his 140km race over Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and finished sixth overall. Words cannot express how proud we are of him!

We met him at the finish line...about 15 minutes after he finished. Before he started the race, he told me his estimated finish time - 4 or 5pm on Saturday. So that's when I planned to show up there (it's about 45 minutes away).

But as I followed the race page's live updates on fb, I was alarmed to see that people were starting to finish around 1pm. So I threw the kids in the car and sped to the finish line, just in time to get a "I finished please bring me some clean clothes" text when we were still about 15 minutes away. (Fortunately, I had thought to bring the clothes.)

Even though we missed the big moment, it was so precious to hang out with a stinky, exhausted Jeremy and meet some of his stinky, exhausted co-racers (it looked a bit like a stretchy pants convention for grown-ups). It was a long weekend without him, but we enjoyed seeing updates on the race page and cheering him on from afar.

Also, I bet Jeremy was the only runner to come home to a welcome/congratulations banner with sparkly purple ponies on it, signed by neighborhood children!

January 16th, outsourced

The ER, twice in one day