
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Books 2015 + Book Stats

Books 2015 + Book Stats

My favorite books of 2015 are here.

Here are some interesting (?) stats about the books I read in 2015.

The books I read in 2015 were:

69% fiction and 31% non-fiction. This is a higher percentage (by 3%) of fiction compared to last year.

Furthermore, 73% of the fiction was Young Adult/Juvenile. This is a smaller proportion of YA fiction than last year.

Overall, 50% of the books I read were Young Adult/Juvenile.

Five of the 70 books I read in 2015 were non-first-time reads.

Jeremy and I read four of the same books this year (Global Mom, The Martian, Dad is Fat, and An Almost Nearly Perfect People).

I read only two books in their physical, hard-copy format. Two! This is an all-time low, amounting to a little less than 3% as compared to last year's 8%, 2013's 20%, and 2012's 27% (I got my Kindle in January 2012). ***Edited to add: I just remembered that I read the Cinder series in hard copy - so that's five books total, 7%.

I read 93% of the books in Kindle format, mostly on my actual Kindle, but every once in a while on my phone (like when I first moved to Finland and didn't have internet access).

I only read three audiobooks this year. I don't know why I haven't been listening to as many audiobooks as I have in the past. I tend to get frustrated with slow narration speeds - I know that's part of it. My lowly Shuffle doesn't have playback speed options. I still consume plenty of audio, but it's all podcasts. My BIL gave us an subscription for Christmas and I'm looking into The Great Courses.

80% of the books were checked out from the library or borrowed from a friend. The rest I own.

The longest stretch between completion of a book was eighteen days in May/June between The Scorpio Races and Global Mom.

I had two streaks of six YA books each: Vanishing Girls, Newt's Emerald, The Heir, Vengeance Road, Queen of Shadows, and Six of Crows; and The Winner's Curse, Red Queen, End of Days, World After, Heir of Fire, and Crown of Midnight.

My most productive month of reading was August, when I read 11 books.

Hooray for reading! Here is the complete Goodreads graphic of the 70 books I read this year, but pasted all piecemeal and unclickable since Goodreads refuses to make these things embeddable. Shame. Just put the title into Goodreads to see my review.

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