
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Proof of life

Despite Aeroflot's best efforts, I made it to Finland. I don't have internet at home yet and there is too much to say and I jäte typing on my phone. Also, I enabled Finnish auto-predict on my phone. Can you tell?

OK, maybe I'll type a little. First impressions: there are lots of man-buns (hairstyle) in this city. Also beards. Very lumbersexual, but Nordic. Nordicsexual? Did you watch Ultimate Survival Alaska? All the men here look like Grady.

I went to Ikea today and bought one of pretty much everything they sell. It gets delivered on Wednesday. In the meantime, the lack of furnishings was distressing me so I put down this kitchen mat. DONE.

More tomorrow from a computer, I hope.  


Finland logorrhea
