
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Thoughts on the stomach flu

1. It is THE WORST.

2. It wouldn't be so bad if I could just know ahead of time IF I was going to throw up, rather than spending hours in agony trying to stave it off only for it to happen anyway. Over three pregnancies I have gotten very, very good at "mind over matter" throw-up avoidance, but I think this skill has backfired. It simply prolongs my suffering.

3. Not only IF, but how many times. Is this the last time? Can I relax yet, or do I need to continue living in fear?

4. The way it stalks you if you're not the first one in your family to get it. When the first person falls, you know the clock is ticking. I hate that feeling.

5. FOOD HAS ESSENTIALLY BETRAYED ME. Oh, food! WHY??!?!? I loved you so much and then you did this to me!

5a. The greatest, weirdest exception to this is that time a couple of years ago I ate a Fazer black licorice chocolate bar and then got sick (unrelated) that night. Instead of feeling like I could never eat Fazer black licorice chocolate again (for obvious reasons), I felt like a winner since it was as if I had gotten to enjoy the taste without ingesting all those calories after all. I realize this is a horrible thought and I have no idea why my body and brain conspired against (for?) me in this manner.

6. Seriously, how amazing is that feeling when you wake up and know for sure that it's all over and it's like the heavens themselves open up and sing to you? It is so amazing. You feel like you can do ANYTHING now that you're well...and then you try to get out of bed and topple over from fatigue and weakness and soreness. But still: YOU'RE WELL AGAIN.

This post has nothing to do with recent events, of course.

Rewatching Jurassic Park with the kids

Easter in Finland