
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

October 5th, outsourced

An article you never knew you needed to read: a history of the vegetable peeler handle.

In the same category, and I have been meaning to link to this for WEEKS: inside the delightfully quirky world of cruise ship entertainers.

Fury is a political weapon. And women need to wield it. Righteous fury is my favorite kind of fury! (NYT)

There was an “interview” with Drew Barrymore in the EgyptAir in-flight magazine and it’s just….I can’t even…I don’t even KNOW. [HT Andrew]

Canned pumpkin may not be what you think it is, i.e., made of plump orange Halloween pumpkin stuff. I don’t know, it still tastes good and I literally went to three stores today to find some and then paid 5 euros per can so whatevs.

Swedish, Finnish, integration, and citizenship

The light and the dark

The light and the dark