
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Corn dogs

Corn dogs

Today we were driving from Idaho to Oregon and we stopped at a Dairy Queen in The Dalles because I try to have a Blizzard every time we visit the US and it seemed like a good time to do so.

But before the Blizzard, we got some food. I told the kids (and had in fact decided for myself) to get a corn dog and they just looked at me blankly. So I found myself trying to explain to them what a corn dog was. If you have an explanation of a corn dog just ready, at your disposal, bless you. Today, I did not.

“Well, it’s a hot dog. But the bun is, like, alllll around it. But it’s not a bun, exactly, because it tastes different and has…corn…in it.”

Jeremy chimed in, “and the hot dog is on a stick!”

“And it’s kinda crispy fried,” I finished.

The kids still had blank looks so I google image-d “corn dog” and showed it to them. Two out of the three kids decided to order one.

When Miriam bit into her corn dog and Sterling saw what it looked like, Sterling exclaimed with joy, “Mama, there’s a hot dog in there!!!” Well, yeah! It’s a corn dog.

This American Summer has been full of moments like this and it’s always funny to see what my kids do and do not know about the Motherland. Today I can check corn dogs (and yes, a Blizzard!) off the list!

A cycling (and running) Odyssey

A cycling (and running) Odyssey

June 2019 books

June 2019 books