
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

A nerd among many

Last night, I did something I don't think I've ever done before: waited in line with a bunch of excited (fellow?) nerds for the opening/release of a product/movie/book, or, in this case, operating system. Apple released Leopard for sale yesterday (slogan: "Add a new Mac to your Mac," which I will freely admit does not make sense to me).

The U of A bookstore was offering a special price for one hour only, from 6 - 7 in the evening. So there was a huge line snaking through the store, with free candy and free t-shirts and other festivities. And everyone there, I can only assume, was an Apple nerd. So when I took a turn in line (while Jeremy played outside with Miriam) and tried to read my book, I had to stop because the nerd behind me kept reading over my shoulder. I haven't had that happen since Russia.

(What's even more embarrassing is that it was Eclipse, which is kind of a vampire/werewolf book, and might be a strange book to understand while reading over someone else's shoulder.)

(On the other hand, maybe it helped me fit into the crowd...)

The worst part is that I am not even a Mac person. My upbringing was strictly PC-based, while Jeremy's was all Apple. So you see, Jeremy and I have an interfaith marriage of sorts.

I will admit that Macintoshes have come a long way since those shockingly ghetto machines we all played Oregon Trail on in elementary school "computer hour" back in the day.

But I remain firmly in the PC camp, despite Jeremy's best missionary efforts, and despite the presence of Leopard (and increased "Mac"??) in our home.

Perhaps these stories should have been two separate posts, because the questions they raise are unrelated.

First, have you ever waited in line for something so geeky? Or non-geeky?

And second, whose side are you on, mine or Jeremy's?

Or in other words, the right side, or the wrong side?

Happy Halloween!

Park carnage