
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today is our sixth wedding anniversary. We are celebrating by watching a movie (Rescue Dawn) that we picked up at one of those rental kiosks you see in grocery stores. Woohoo!

Other memorable anniversary happenings:

Our first, when we went out for dessert at Cafe Pushkin in Moscow. It's probably still the fanciest restaurant I've ever been to. And the desserts were delicious.

Our second, when Jeremy was out of town at a conference. So romantic.

Our third, when we were in Damascus and went out to eat at a Russian restaurant. That food was fine, but something we'd eaten earlier in the day gave us violent food poisoning. I will never again eat spinach, at least not if it's been cooked by an Arab landlady.

Our fourth, when we put two-month-old Miriam to bed and watched Master and Commander.

Our fifth, which I actually have no memory of. You'd think I'd at least remember, you know, the movie we must have watched.

The good news is that barring any unforeseen disaster, Jeremy will have finished and submitted his comprehensive exams by tomorrow afternoon. This means he will be able to spend time with Miriam and me again. So maybe we'll do something really ambitious and go out to celebrate. Maybe.

You're laughing with me, right?

The one true yogurt drink