
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Naptime for Hello Kitty

It seems like when I use the sink in the kitchen and then go to dry my hands, the kitchen towel is AWOL at least 80% of the time. Later on, when I don't need to dry my hands, I find the towels in the den, behind a trash can, in Miriam's toy box, etc. Obviously, I had my suspicions that the towels were being carried off by a certain 2-year-old, and today, those suspicions were confirmed:

I wish Miriam would have just told me that I was using Hello Kitty's blanket as my kitchen towel. Then all this confusion could have been avoided.
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Movies of note from 2007

2007: Books I loved, and read