
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Comments are fixed

An alert reader let me know that the comments aren't working. I was fiddling with some comment settings yesterday (I turned off word verification. Bring on the comment spam! I was getting some of that anyway, and hey, who doesn't love a comment, even if it is trying to sell insurance or alternative medicine?) and that must have broken it. Anyway, I've changed it back (but left word verification off), so it should work now. Please comment on my last post! I had a lonely night yesterday thinking nobody bothered to read it.

Don't worry, this doesn't count as my NaBloPoMo post for today.

So yeah. Comment away and be sure to cast your vote for the Flashback Friday story for next week!

Book Review: The Hunger Games

Flashback Friday: I want to believe