
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Quarter-life crisis

I knew it would happen. Everyone always told me it would happen, that someday, I would be happy to be mistaken for being eight years younger than I am.

That's the way the trend always seemed to go for me. You may recall that when I was 19 (almost 20), an employee at a restaurant thought I was 12. Twelve. That wasn't an isolated incident, either. And I had to work hard not to let it irritate me too much.

Now that I'm 27.5, I am just about at the point where I wouldn't mind being mistaken for someone eight years younger.

This paradigm shift brings me to two points: my high school's 10-year reunion, and makeup.

1. The reunion. It's next month, and even though everyone always says this, I really can't believe it's been 10 years. What is fantastic about the reunion is that they recently changed the venue (from a remote, distant vineyard) and the price ($75? I think, per person) to something infinitely more practical. They should have planned it this way to begin with, but it's now being held at a deli down the street from the high school, and the price of admission is $10. Everyone knows where it is; everyone can afford it. There's no longer any reason or excuse not to go.

Or is there? There is the oft-repeated argument that there's no use going to your high school reunion when you already keep in touch with everyone you care about. I would add that we have Facebook now. So is the reunion redundant? Did you go to your reunion, or will you when the time comes?

2. Makeup. I don't wear makeup. Should I? I don't have anything against it on principle. I'm just lazy and completely clueless. I would just go for it except that I feel like it's kind of a major commitment - if I start wearing makeup, I'll have to keep doing it or else it will just be weird and inconsistent. And I don't know if I'm up to it.

Discussion question: would wearing makeup actually make me look older, thus defeating my new-found goal of being mistaken for a 19-year-old more often?

Please to be sharing your thoughts. Thanks.

Homemade yogurt

Flashback Friday: Dear Diary