
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Road Trip UT to NY: Day 2 (Scottsbluff to Lincoln)

Day 2: Scottsbluff, Nebraska to Lincoln, Nebraska.
Pace: Steady (only about 7 hours of driving).
Rations: Filling, thanks in part to dinner with friends in Lincoln.

So, Chimney Rock. We visited it first thing this morning and I have mixed feelings about it. On the positive side, it was Chimney Rock of Oregon Trail fame. The Visitor Center was informative and kid-friendly. On the negative side, they wouldn't let us anywhere near it, I assume for preservation reasons. It seems to me that it wouldn't hurt to at least let us close enough to see the names carved there. Oh well.

We drove by Courthouse Rock and Jailhouse Rock, too.

I had been looking forward to attending a random Mormon church service. It's kind of fun to do, to dive in to your religion in a different part of the country and see how it's the same, how it's different. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. We forgot to factor in the time difference and besides, it seemed cruel to release the girls from the car only to have them sit still during a church service. Another time, I suppose.

Otherwise, what can I say? We drove to Lincoln, stopped at Chris and Anna's house for dinner, and then got talked into staying the night (it wasn't very hard to do). We'll have to pay off the debt of missed driving hours tomorrow.

Until then.

Road Trip UT to NY: Day 3 (Lincoln to Kirtland)

Road Trip UT to NY: Day 1 (Provo to Scottsbluff)