
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

While I was vacuuming

I usually like to get the entire floor picked up at one time so I can get the vacuuming done all in one go. Otherwise I end up doing it piecemeal and it seems like I have the vacuum out every day.

However, when I vacuum the whole house at once it takes longer and gives Magdalena more time to undo my hard work. These pictures were taken about 30 seconds after I finished vacuuming.


I especially like the crackers all over the floor, just waiting to be crunched and ground into the carpet. And remember when I organized my bookshelves by color? Well, obviously that system is only working on the shelves that Magdalena can't reach. Sigh.

See also: While I was showering.

My petite, chubby baby

Flashback Friday: Memories of the Moscow Metro