
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

In search of...

I swear I am being absolutely serious when I say that I have been on a laundry detergent-related quest since 2005. Once in 2005, I was in someone's laundry room and I caught a whiff of the most heavenly laundry detergent I have ever smelled. It was cleanliness, freshness, tidiness, and ease all wrapped up in one lovely scent - a chemistry team coup, in other words.

The problem is, I never got a chance to look for the source of the fragrance. I assumed it was laundry soap because I smelled it in the laundry room. I have since sensed the same smell (only in the Middle East) in the general aura of people wearing clothing that must have at some point been laundered.

But I'm starting to doubt that the scent I've been after for almost six years is available in laundry detergent form. That's because every time I have to buy detergent, I make sure to smell all of the available brands. Sometimes I get my hopes up and buy a certain brand, convinced it's The One. But it never is. I still haven't found my dream detergent.

I've tried:

I thought this was the one. It wasn't. And now it just reminds me of morning sickness since I it's what I was using when I was pregnant with Miriam. I can't buy it anymore. In fact, even just looking at the box makes me queasy.

When Persil wasn't the one, I thought Ariel must be my wonderful mystery detergent since it's the second-biggest brand around here. Sadly, it does not smell even remotely like heaven.

Big disappointment.

Smells the same way it does in the US, i.e., not delicious.

This one didn't even get a trial purchase. Not even close.

I actually like the smell of this one, but it still isn't as good as The One.

The worst part is, now I've gone through every detergent in the laundry aisle and none of them match that smell. What am I missing? Is there a spray starch or softener that I should look into? Or do I just need to wait until I smell it in on someone and then work up the guts to ask a complete stranger how they launder their clothes?

Have you ever been on a quest for a mystery scent or flavor?


Stroller dilemma