
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Farewell, sweet and twenty

(Sweet and twenty.)

Today is the last day of my twenties.

Part of me is resisting subscribing to the standard cultural aversion toward aging. Of course I'm not thrilled that my body is getting older and necessarily moving toward reduced functionality, however miniscule or far-off that prospect is. After all, whatever age-related challenges are ahead, they are closer now than they were last year.

But another part of me is mourning the passage of my twenties for more than just the "haha, groan, I'm another year older and this time, for the first time, my age starts with a three" reason. Pretty much every major event of my adult life happened in my twenties, so I am sad to see the end of that decade.

(Also, the disconnect between my real age and my self-perceived age is undeniable now. I suspect I will feel like I'm a twenty-something for a few years yet, especially seeing that I've only recently accepted that I'm no longer in my early twenties.)

What's to come is still unsure. Even though my twenties were jam-packed with adventure and change and growth and challenges, I bet my thirties will come up with something to entertain me.

So hooray, I'll be thirty tomorrow, and proud of it. Bring it on.

Birthday Review: 30
