
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

May 18th, outsourced

Awesomely impractical benches in Belgium and Germany.

Red state/blue state baby names. Re: the last sentence in the article, whatever happened to giving kids names that couldn't be made fun of? I feel like that's not even a consideration anymore. [HT Alyssa]

A professor fools Wikipedia but gets caught by Reddit. Ethics aside, that is a really cool class project.

Stephen Colbert takes a page from By Common Consent's book and takes a hard look at subtlety in John McNaughton's paintings.

Epic Tea-Time with Alan Rickman...

Did you know 50 years ago was 1962? Really. Here are some photos from the world then.

Finally, the 10 TED talks that never should have been.

Filling a gap in my literary repertoire

Long-lost friends