
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Watch this show or you'll lower the IQ of whatever street you're on.

BBC's Sherlock has been on my radar for a few months now, but it wasn't until we were in the US this summer that I got a chance to see Season 1, courtesy of my mom and dad. But it was the most backhanded gift ever, because they didn't have Season 2, and I was already HOOKED. Hmph.

Season 2 is available on Netflix now and Jeremy and I finished watching episode 1 last night. And I can't stop thinking about it! I can't believe how smart this show is, and how hilarious, and brilliant the actors are. I hope the last two episodes of Season 2 don't change my opinion (for the worse).

Are you watching this? If not, WHY? Take a look at these two videos for a sampling of what you're missing. They are from the same scene, just cut in half (for copyright reasons?).

What was missing from that video? It's a trick question, because the answer is nothing. Everything is there: humor, acerbic wit, timing, subtlety (check out Watson's head gesture at 0:15-0:17 in the second clip - speaks volumes, doesn't it?), all wrapped up in a poignant little package that almost brought tears to my eyes the first time I saw it.

Be warned: this is definitely a show for adults. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed episode 2.1 even though there was a weird, sexy subplot running through the whole thing.

Now, bring it on: favorite quotes, favorite moments, favorite facial expressions, whatever. All gushing is welcome here.

(In case you're wondering about the post title):

Sarajevo, the Yukon, the Arctic, Austenland, and YA

My child's childhood