
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

May 2nd, outsourced

A brief history of exploding whales, including "Has the Whale Exploded Yet?" (Except between last night and this morning, they decided the whale will probably not explode after all.) [HT Jeremy]

The best of baby George in Australia and New Zealand.

The grammar of clickbait! "In Three Simple Steps, Find Out How Upworthy Titles Create Cognitive Problems In Readers. But What Happens If You Don’t Click? You Won’t Believe What Happens Next."

Take a look at this correspondence between Laura Ingalls Wilder and her daughter as they discuss how to improve By the Shores of Silver Lake.

Hijab couture.

Not that I've seen all of them, but I don't see how anyone could ever beat Emma Stone's performance at the most recent Jimmy Fallon lip-sync battle.

Picture pedantry - really interesting stuff about Twitter (and other social media) accounts that post historical photos without context, attribution, or fact-checking.

This woman was practicing to enter some kind of mommy dance contest and...oh, the timing. [HT Ariana]

Win Rock, Scissors, Paper using SCIENCE. [HT Andrew]

The kindness of Rajkumar

Sharjah Heritage Days