
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Toy snob

When Sterling was born, our next-door neighbor gave us one of those large push-cars to (according to the box), "let baby learn to walk." I took it out of the box yesterday and noticed that it had a spot for batteries, apparently to enable some musical push-button functionality. I immediately gave an involuntary shudder, for I loathe sound-making toys. But then I checked myself and decided I shouldn't be such a snob. Sterling has an activity center thing that has some quiet tunes it plays, and that has been fine with me. So maybe this car toy thing would be fine, too.

NOT SO. I put in the batteries and pressed the first button I saw and was greeted with the following.

The batteries will be coming right back out of this one, sorry. Sometimes it is correct to be a snob.

(Even if it is alarmingly high-brow that one of the included songs on this thing is Ali Baba's Farm. Is that standard on US toys?)

Mom MAs

Jeopardy! favorites