
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

November 11th, outsourced

I needed this: Studio C lip-syncing Nonstop.

I can think of approximately 27 times something like this (an airplane bed for kids) would have come in handy in our family. Magdalena slept on the tray table once when she was two weeks old, but this would have been comfier. [HT Kat]

Alexandra Petri is a treasure again this week: What Trump's victory tells boys.

And another humorous but insightful take on the election, via Leslie Knope. [HT Jen]

And yet another humorous but insightful take on the election, via The Simpsons. [HT Tyler]

How to talk like you're from PDX (that's Portland). [HT Suzanne]

On the move

On the move

(Not a political post)

(Not a political post)