
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Municipal election season

Municipal election season

It's municipal election season here in Finland. The first clue was when wooden poster frames (empty) started popping up all over town. The frames themselves look like they've been in use since the 1960s at least - I wondered if maybe they were going to advertise something for Finland's centennial year this year.

But no! The empty frames were soon filled with candidate/party posters. Here is one on the bridge leading down to the university. Similar arrangements are up on sidewalks throughout the city.

I can't vote in this election since I haven't yet lived here for two years. But I should be eligible the next time municipal elections roll around.

FYI, there is a Pirate Party in Turku. You can't see their campaign poster clearly in this photo, but their website is here.

Primary songs in Finnish and English

Primary songs in Finnish and English

March 24th, outsourced