
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Second Vappu

Second Vappu

Our second Vappu was great! We walked downtown to see everyone toast each other and put their graduation hats on. Then we walked to the park and enjoyed some delicious sunshine. Then we walked home. Today we enjoyed a May Day picnic with friends on the warmest day of the year so far: 12C and nothing but sunshine! It was a welcome change from a few days ago - it snowed most of the weekend but I think we've said goodbye to winter at last.

I think Vappu is one of my favorite holidays in Finland - we just don't have anything like it in the US. It has oddly specific rituals (university students wearing their color-coded haalarit overalls, putting your graduation cap on at six o'clock sharp, toasting/picnicking/strolling), strong associations with particular foods (mead, donuts, and hot dogs), and encourages people to share Turku's beautiful public spaces. Three cheers for Vappu!

English baby names in Finland

April 28th, outsourced