
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

August 11th, outsourced

I am intrigued by the idea of taking a slow bus between SF and LA as a way to get a good night's sleep instead of wasting a day at the airport and on an airplane.

If you read Born to Run or know anything about Mexico's indigenous people being stellar ultramarathoners, you should read this article about how some of them are turning to working for the drug trade out of desperation.


Would Trump let you immigrate to America? The answer for me was no. Gotta go win an Olympic medal, I guess!

What is your opposite job? Mine is an agricultural grader! [HT Andrew]

Mallory is back and it's to rant about Everything What's Wrong Of Succulents!!!!!

Hottest Heads of States has a Justin Trudeau story up now, in case you finished the Putin one already. [HT Liz]

I'll just leave this here: Multilevel-marketing companies like LuLaRoe are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis.


You're doing it wrong, money edition