
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Favorite uncle

Favorite uncle

My brother Steven was here for a few days last week and during his short visit, he made a few strategic power moves that just may have solidified his status as Favorite Uncle for the time being.

First, he casually brought home the girls' favorite non-water beverage from the grocery store a few times. It's called Novelle (apricot jasmine flavor) and it's essentially a sparkling water with a hint of flavor. We don't get it often and the girls will often spend their own money on it, so this was pretty neat.

Then he nonchalantly said Magdalena could take the empty bottles back to the store and claim the deposit. This is practically a hobby of hers, so it meant a lot to her.

He also drew maps, weather patterns, and various forms of large transport on demand for Sterling, along with checking the weather on his phone anytime Sterling asked. This is a sure way to get on Sterling's good side.

Finally, when it was time for him to leave, Steven got out all his spare Euro change and gave it to the kids! It was probably the best day of their lives since they tend to be like little change magpies, collecting and hoarding and saving up.

So yeah, I think that means Steven is now Favorite Uncle!

August 2018 books

August 2018 books

August 24th, outsourced