
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

May 25th, outsourced

Mt. St. Helens and the fear of not knowing (i.e., what it was like to sometimes just NOT know stuff during a natural disaster, unlike these days when we have the internet to tell us everything and more).

Electric scooter charger culture is out of control.

The futility of trying to prevent more school shootings in America.

Inside gay students' fight to be heard at BYU.

Finland has the most effective universities in the world.

This was an enlightening and somewhat enraging read about insurance billing.

Finally: we are in Kuusamo and Jeremy is at this very moment some 67km into his 160km ultramarathon. You can follow along via GPS at this link!

Ultramarathons and childbirth, part 2

Ultramarathons and childbirth, part 2

My favorite sign

My favorite sign