
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

At the risk of revealing how lame I can be

In case you didn't know already, they're making a movie of Twilight. Recently, they announced the actress who will be playing Bella. Her name is Kristen Stewart, and based on her performance in the one movie I've seen her in (Speak, an intense but awesome movie that most high-schoolers would benefit from watching), she is perfect for the part. I am about as excited as one can be for something like this (and possibly more excited than I should be).

It is so refreshing when the people who cast movies get something right. They do a good job most of the time, but every once in a while they make an error so egregious, so sensibility-offending that it singlehandedly ruins a movie.

For example, whose idea was it to cast Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes in the new Batman movie? Whoever it is must be on a quest to cast my personal least-favorite actresses in the role (after Katie Holmes in the first one). It also must be a totally different person than the one who was in charge of casting the rest of the movie, because everyone else looks awesome. Who would have thought that Christian Bale could dance in Newsies, give sloppy kisses in Little Women, actually accept a part in a lame dragon movie, and yet somehow portray a very menacing, convincing Batman?

Other bad casting decisions that spring to mind include Jeff Daniels in The Crossing (as George Washington!), Kevin Costner in everything except Field of Dreams (when the role he played actually fit his one acting ability: playing a bland white guy), and Julia Stiles in everything she's ever been in.

What, in your opinion, are the best and worst casting decisions you've noticed?

The truest thing she's ever said

You're laughing with me, right?