
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

My favorite LOST moments

A few years ago, I shared with you the creepiest LOST moments, at least as far as I had viewed the series. Here are a few of my favorite moments.

1. The entire episode "Through the Looking Glass," AKA the Season 3 finale. I had a whole bunch of individual best moments and then I realized they all belonged to this episode. I thought every moment of it was brilliant. I didn't really like Charlie before that episode, but they made me love him by the time he SPOILER ALERT died. I may have actually cheered out loud when it turned out that Sayid and Jin hadn't died. And even though almost three years have passed, I'm still getting over the extreme paradigm shift from flashbacks to flash-forwards. Again, brilliant.

2. Because I'm a sucker for trips down memory lane (in case you haven't noticed), I appreciated the scenes where LOST characters visit places that were important to them in the past. Like when Kate sees herself delivering Claire's baby (Season 5, I think), or even when Sawyer found himself back at the cages just a few episodes ago. There's something about this show's ability to examine the self and provide a measure of progress or regression that I find very moving. Returning to those locations where early, key events took place also reminds me of the greater intrigue and novelty of those first few seasons.

3. Even though it was not as straightforward as it could have been, the return of the Oceanic Six, at least, to their homes and families was definitely one of my favorite moments. All the joy of the reunion was mitigated by the weird and frightening turn of events that brought them home, but it was still a precious scene and very well done.

4. I loved loved loved "Ab Aeterno," and not just because I could have showed the whole episode in Sunday School as an excellent good vs. evil morality play, with possible specific applications to The Fall. I was blown away by Richard Alpert's one-man show performance (or whatever his real name is - he IS Richard Alpert to me now). And of course it was nice to have, you know, some questions actually answered for once. As a side note - for a nerdy linguist like me, it is so refreshing that LOST is not afraid to utilize its actors' natural foreign language abilities to take the show up a notch.

I know I'm not the only one who still watches this show. What are some of your favorite LOST moments?

Flashback Friday: Locked in

Alexandria, Egypt preview