
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

June 3rd, outsourced

How the freak is it June already?? Wow.

Anyway, no, really, this IS the most ridiculous sport EVER. I've got to start giving credit to my BIL Scott who sends a lot of these wacky video links to me. Though I don't know that "thank" is quite the word for this one in particular. I was at once bored out of my mind and yet, somehow, riveted.

If web browsers were celebrities (click to enlarge).

Here's an interesting discussion about the possible phenomenon of "accidental" sexual harassment of hotel staff by hotel guests. I can see how that kind of thing happens. I think my SIL Katie was walked in on multiple times in various stages of undress in her hotel room in Moscow because of some strange idiosyncrasy of the Russian Do Not Disturb sign having its red and green sides reversed (she is welcome to elaborate in the comments if she wishes).

Why do we love YA fiction? Let's count the ways. (Spoiler alert if you haven't read all the books in the Twilight, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games series, as well as Ender's Game.)

The United States of Science. I'm actually trying to decide which state's qualification I'm least impressed by. I think it might be Missouri. There had to be something better than that.

One of my favorite movies is Spellbound, a documentary about the 1999 National Spelling Bee. So I was happy to see this collection of the Top Ten Spelling Bee Freakouts, in honor of this year's bee.

I was fascinated by this collection of photographs of what families around the world eat in a week (and what they spend on it).

Ugh, seriously, THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM, EVER. Though I was glad to read the article and find out that I'm not the only one who is conflicted re: children with autumn birthdays.

Sometimes it's impossible to understand the grief of others. A beautiful piece written by my friend Liz.

Speaking of awesome friends, remember my friend who wrote a play and then it was actually produced? Well, a movie is in the works. Check it out.

Food experiments, and eyebrows

You should know that this is the strangest thing I've ever done.