
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Other Bridget: an update

It's time to check in once again with

Other Bridget

, the imaginary person I've constructed from combining the details of misdirected emails that I receive. She's been busy lately.

As you know,

she moved to Australia and enrolled in James Cook University

. I got quite a few emails about that, and her work with "gellibaff."

She had some trouble with her unidentified Apple product earlier this year. Within the space of an hour, I received a barrage of about 12 emails confirming her appointment at an Apple Store Genius Bar to address the issue, and then an email saying they hadn't received an appointment confirmation from her. That's because I'm not Other Bridget.

I got an email from an old friend (of 25 years, as stated by the friend in the email) of Other Bridget asking if I had a 'd' in my name. I do. I guess Other Bri(d)get doesn't??

Other Bridget's daughter Lola was accepted at a preschool in Australia. I know the name of the preschool but it doesn't seem to be at all close to James Cook University. I wonder how Other Bridget is managing the commute.

The most troubling development in Other Bridget's life came last month when I received an email from one of her friends, saying how sorry he was about what had happened to "my" car, at a place called Cable Beach (also in Australia, by the way). The friend included this picture in the email:

I'm so sorry this happened to Other Bridget! It's even worse than

the time one of her friends got put in jail


I hope Other Bridget takes more care in her future Australian adventures. I'll keep you updated with any developments.

Sharjah's Goodwill/Deseret Industries

A missionary for The Man From Snowy River