
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.


The other night around 8 o'clock I was walking home from class and I heard a disturbing noise. It was dark outside, and I was walking past some shrubbery, and I heard the sound of a man urinating into the bushes, very near me. There are lots of gardeners on campus and I figured it was one of them, taking advantage of the dark and the foliage to do his business. It was unfortunate and extremely awkward that I walked past at that exact moment, even though I couldn't see him (not that I looked for him).

Well, today I was walking TO class at about 5 o'clock and I heard the same disturbing noise! This time, it was daylight, so I took the risk of glancing over in that direction because really, what are the odds of walking in on a guy peeing in public twice within a few days? To my very great relief, I saw the source of the noise - a malfunctioning sprinkler that was sending a small, arched stream of water into a shallow puddle near the bushes. It's so nice to know that I didn't actually walk near a dude peeing. Isn't it?

In other news:

1. Did you know we mostly call Magdalena by the Arabic diminutive of her name, Majd? Well, we do. The other day she was practicing writing it at church and the lady behind us (new to the congregation) later came up to her and told "Maud" that she was doing a great job writing her name. Don't worry, I corrected her...the next week, when she called her "Maud" again. I realize Majd is a difficult and unwieldy nickname for non-Arabic speakers, but Maud is possibly worse.

2. You people have got to stop thinking that white girls all look alike to some degree. In the space of six days, I was told I look like Angelina Jolie (hahahahahahahahaha, thank you, naive Iranian teenager at the beach), Hilary Swank, and Kylie Minogue. The latter two are repeats. I'll take it...I guess? I'll be honest, I'm not too keen on the Hilary Swank one.

My child's childhood

September 21st, outsourced