
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Jeremy was on TV in Oman

Jeremy was in Oman for a conference on Sunday and Monday at Sultan Qaboos University. He presented on Sunday morning and then attended a book fair in the evening, where he somehow ended up being interviewed on live television, in Arabic.

They even put makeup on him beforehand! The topic of the interview was the importance of reading. Jeremy estimates that he was on air for about ten minutes. We still aren't sure exactly how this whole thing ended up happening - it was very last-minute for him.

But hey, now he can cross "appearing on live TV in Oman" off his list of things he never thought he would do in life.

PS - as he waited in the gate area at the airport for his flight from Sharjah to Muscat, he saw a dude board a flight to Saudi Arabia holding a live falcon. Awesome.

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