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Downton Abbey 6.2 (SPOILERS)

Not a lot to report back about this episode. My main thoughts are revolve around the fact that this whole Marigold situation is just the worst. It does seem very unfair that the pig farmer set out to do a good turn at great personal risk, and basically lost everything for it. Shame on...someone, and I'm inclined to say Edith?

I'm glad to see Anna getting some help, though given Mary's own struggles with infertility, it seems like a solution they would have figured out together a little sooner. I mean, these are women who have hidden dead bodies and illicit forms of birth control together. Surely they could have talked about the state of Anna's uterus a little sooner?

Otherwise, pigs continue to be one of the livelier aspects of this season so far. Remember Blake and Mary and the pigs? One of the best scenes, for sure. Oh, Blake. Where are you? Poland, was it? There is a shocking lack of Mary-suitors in this season so far, considering how much the series hinges on her character.

Lunch buffet

Same advice, different situation