
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

New TV

Have you ever thrown away a TV that is so new that it still has the protective plastic adhesive things on it? We have. :(

We bought our first TV ever two weeks ago. In almost 16 years of marriage, Jeremy and I had never purchased a TV. We've had a TV a few times - either a hand-me-down or one that was part of the furniture of the house we were living in - but to buy a new one was very exciting.

We brought it home and enjoyed it for four whole days. Then Sterling got a little wild while putting a book back on the shelf at bedtime and it went rogue and hit the TV. We thought nothing of it at the time (the TV was off when it happened and it left no physical mark). I mean, in MY day, and with every other TV we had owned, those screens were indestructible. They were made of actual glass, remember?

But the next evening, 24 hours after what was really quite a light bump (albeit with the corner of a book), we turned on the TV and the display was ruined. I spent the rest of that night and the following morning thinking that what had been a few-hundreds-of-euros TV was now a many-hundreds-of-euros TV, assuming we were even brave enough to buy a new one.

But! It turns out that Finnish home insurance policies cover your kids breaking your stuff! I called the insurance company on a Tuesday morning and the replacement funds were in our bank account on Thursday. They told us to throw out the broken TV, so we hauled our recent purchase to the recycling center - plastic wrap still intact - and just about made those employees' day.

We haven't bought a new one yet. It just seems a bit eerie that after 16 years of never buying a TV, our first effort only lasted four days. Ah, kids.

Commute surprise

Commute surprise

August and September 2017 books

August and September 2017 books