
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Library newspaper

Library newspaper

The main library downtown is one of my favorite places in Turku. Sterling and I were there last night, and I paused to check what the front page of the Swedish-language Turku newspaper had to say 50 years ago. This newspaper is always on display (though I'm not absolutely sure that it is always from 1967) and I like to imagine how one lucky employee gets to unlock that glass case each morning and turn the page with tweezers or a gloved hand. (I mean, I ASSUME that's how it goes.)

Yesterday, the headlines from that old newspaper were all about the 50th anniversary of the Russian Revolution - extra interesting! As I looked at the pictures and tried to decipher some of that Swedish, I realized that I was as far removed from that newspaper, as that newspaper was from the Russian Revolution. So. Cool.

Bake sale-ready

Bake sale-ready

Walking in Cairo