
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Turku Day 2018

Turku Day 2018

Turku Day! Turun Päivä! It is my favorite thing. Definitely one of the best days of the year. I wake up all giddy because there are just so many things to do. We wrote everyone’s picks on a list and then rode our bikes downtown and started checking them off. The only sad thing is that there is never enough time to do everything.

This year:


We watched divers pull trash out of the river. Either we missed the big stuff or the river is cleaner this year, because there weren’t any soccer goals this time. But there was a shopping cart!


We enjoyed the beautiful weather. This is Mikaelinkirkko.


We admired rescue vehicles in the courtyard of the firehouse, including a hydro helicopter.


We watched a dog show! It was adorable! Afterward they let the girls each run a dog through the course!


We wanted to climb the rigging of the Joutsen (it was allowed on this Turku Day), but the line was too long so we just enjoyed exploring the ship instead.


So there’s this train thing that trawls up and down the corniche during the summer. A literal genius (in my opinion) had the idea to use the train on Turku Day to give tours of the sewage treatment facility through these extensive underground tunnels. It. was. AMAZING. Plus, while we waited in line they had jugglers and a bowstaff guy to entertain us, as well as free beverages. This was a hit with the whole familiy and my favorite thing of maybe all the Turku Days.

We listened to the 9pm fireworks from the comfort of our own home. It was a great day.

September 21st, outsourced

September 14th, outsourced