
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

Kidnapped by North Korea?

I meant to post this months ago: here is the best article I've read to date about David Sneddon, a former co-worker of mine who went missing in China in 2004. It's a long article, and you might start out thinking you won't possible read the whole thing, but you will. Because it's a heartbreaking and haunting story, and the outlandish theory it presents - that David ended up being kidnapped by North Korean agents - is one I happen to believe in. At the very least, I don't believe that his disappearance is as cut-and-dried as Chinese (and occasionally US) authorities have made it out to be.

Every time I hear about an American being detained in North Korea - Kenneth Bae, Matthew Miller, Merrill Newman, Jeffrey Fowle - I think of David. I saw the news last night that Jeffrey Fowle has been released. The headline said only that a "detained American" had been set free, and for a moment, before I clicked through, I thought it could be David. It wasn't. Not this time, at least.

David's family continues to make efforts to find out anything they can about his disappearance in China. Today, they were able to secure the support of the entire Utah congressional delegation in petitioning Secretary of State John Kerry to further the investigation into David's case.

I am heartened by this development and I hope it leads to more developments, and more answers. David, his family, and his friends deserve it.

October 24th, outsourced

Just like mama