
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

February 10th, outsourced

Finland now has an "America First/Finland Second" video. It's not entirely family friendly, but it is good-natured and funny, so I'm sharing it.

The Economist on understated protest signs like "Down With This Sort of Thing" and "Not Usually A Sign Guy But Geez."

What defines a nation's identity (also from The Economist). OK, basically they were on fire this week over there because they also had The homogeneity of Donald Trump's cabinet and What the world worries about.

If you ever felt like reading a really long article about Taylor Swift's career playing the victim, this would be it.

A brief history of all the things that Donald Trump has called "so-called."

Venmo is turning your friends into petty jerks.

More news on David Sneddon!

I'm linking to this article about dressing children for Finnish winter so you can enjoy the illustration as much as I did. The day after I read this, I made sure Sterling doubled up on gloves (it's been in the minus teens lately).

No matter how bad your week was, here is an article that will make it allllll better: How to be an American: Syrian refugees find a home in Trump country.


The most important word in Finnish

The most important word in Finnish