
Welcome to my blog. I write about fitting in, sticking out, and missing the motherland as a serial foreigner.

December 14th, outsourced

What is happening with this “war on Christmas” light show thing in Idaho?!?

Your apps know where you were last night. [NYT]

The strange world of conservative college women.

This week had an especially good Care & Feeding by Nicole Cliffe, including a mom calling her baby a racist. Her 4-month-old baby!

Jeremy sent me this link and I almost fainted before realizing it was from The Onion. These days, you never know…

My mom shared this story from The Oregonian with me. It is infuriating and tragic and extremely well reported and presented. I gasped out loud several times while reading it.

The secret lives of the Stasi, in photos.

Giving talks in Finnish

More Sarajevo + a reading list

More Sarajevo + a reading list